Welcome to 2023.

Welcome to 2023.

Dear MIA parents,

Allow me to express a Happy New Year to all of you. This newsletter is to welcome you back to Term 2.

We have commenced the term with a bang. Immediately challenged on two epidemiological fronts with Covid still around and of course now the Cholera outbreak. We need to keep both of this in mind at all times and proceed with precaution.

I have once again initiated temperature checks as a first line of defence to a possible upsurge in Covid especially after the holidays. Similarly, with Cholera we have acted fast. Both Primary and Secondary have sent out information via social media, posters and in assemblies about the dangers of this bacteria and how to prevent this disease. Furthermore, as you now know we had Mzuzu Health Services come to administer about 180 doses of the Cholera oral vaccination yesterday. We are now planning a second visit. However, we cannot be too careful, and therefore I implore you to be very vigilant on these two fronts with your families and let us know quickly if there is transmission. We are a community that assists each other! 

As a possible tip, I have been told by an expert in the field, that to ensure your vegetable and fruit are clean from any possible contagion, what you must do is use 1.5 teaspoon of bleach in one gallon of water and leave your fruit and vegetables in for 10 minutes. Afterwards rinse well with water from the tap. Perhaps this will be useful.

Regardless of the challenges outlined above, the school has started very efficiently indeed. As I walk around, I can see the smooth transition that has occurred from holidays to the serious task of teaching and learning. The students are in good hands, and we will continue to work hard for each and every student to ensure growth is taking place.  I want to take this opportunity to thank the staff of course, but also you for your support and for your part in this smooth commencement of term.

In particular with regards to payment. This has been much better overall, and it is a huge help in helping us to meet our own creditors.  This is something that will become the norm. I still encourage you though, to see me if there are difficulties, because on a case-by-case basis there are ways that we can assist.

Lastly, looking ahead, we will have a very busy and industrious Term. Be sure to check our calendar on the website to stay updated on the latest events, a some of which you may wish to attend.

Thank you for your continued support and for your trust in us. As always, my doors are open if you want to have a chat or bring me an observation or concern.

Have a good weekend and Term 2.

Yours sincerely

Stefano Piumatti
